- Excavations at Reask (Thomas Fanning)
- The Execution of the Earl of Desmond, 1468, (Art Cosgrove)
- The Fall of the House of Desmond (Sister Margaret MacCurtain)
- Dr Dermot Lyne: An Irish Catholic Landlord in Cork and Kerry under the Penal Laws (Gerard J. Lyne)
- Nineteenth-century Settlements in theLesser Blasket Islands (Joan Stagles)
- Richard Griffith and the Roads of Kerry 1 (Seán Ó Lúing)
- A Census of the Parishes of Prior and Killemlagh, December 1834 (Pádraig de Brún)
- Scéal Gaeilge ón Tóchar (Padraig de Brún)
- Two Prehistoric Objects from Killarney in Buckinghamshire County Museum, Aylesbury (Peter Harbison)
- A Neglected Sidelight on the Last Years of Ardfert Corporation (Michael Dolley)
- 'Some Medieval Sculpture in Kerry’ - additional notes (Peter Harbison)
Articles featured:
Articles featured:
- Excavation at Dromkeen, Causeway (Dermot C. Twohig)
- Edward Thompson's Report on the Management of Customs and Excise in County Kerry in 1733 (David Dickson)
- Bishop Moylan's Relatio Status, 1785 (Rev. Kieran O’ Shea)
- A Census of the Parish of Ferriter, January 1833 (Pádraig de Brún)
- John Windele and Father John Casey: Windele's Visit to Inis Tuaisceart in 1838 (Pádraig de Brún)
- Aspects of the Fenian Rising in Kerry, 1867: V. Personalities and Problems (Seán Ó Lúing)
- The Corporation of Ardfert Glass Loving Cup (Caitríona Nic Leóid)
- A Late 19th Century Kerry Forger’s Mould from Lispole (Michael K. Murphy and Michael Dolley)
- Miscellanea:
- A Lost Gothic Roof Boss from Tralee (Peter Harbison)
- A Monk of Rattoo (Padraig de Brún)
- A Hoard of So-called ‘Gun-Money’ from Causeway (Michael Dolley)
- Ardfert in 1827 (Pádraig de Brún)
Articles featured:
- Excavations at Reask, Co. Kerry (Thomas Fanning)
- Some Medieval Sculpture in Kerry (Peter Harbison)
- The Orientation of the Recumbent-Stone Circles of the South-West of Ireland (John Barber)
- Nicholas Dall Pierse of Co. Kerry, Harper (John H. Pierse).
- The Account-Book of a Kerry Revenue Official, 1687-9 (David Dickson)
- A New View of eighteenth-century Life in Kerry (Sile Ní Chinnéide)
- ‘A Song Relative to a Fight Between the Kerry Militia and Some Yeomen at Stewartstown, Co. of Tyrone’ July 1799 (Pádraig de Brún)
- David Moriarty (1814-77): IV Ecclesiastical Affairs (Rev. Kieran O’ Shea)
- Father McDonnell’s Visit to Derrynanein 1833 (Rev. Pádraig Ó Súilleabháin. O.F.M.)
- Séamus Goodman (1826-96): Bailitheoir Ceoil (Breandán Breathnach)
- Aspects of the Fenian Rising in Kerry, 1867: IV Kerry Summer Assizes, 1867: (Sean Ó Luing)
- Miscellanea:
- A nineteenth-century Find of Fifteenth-Century Coins from Cahirciveen (Michael Dolley)
- An Early Reference of the Legend of Gleann na nGealt (Pádraig de Brún)
Articles featured:
- The Building-history of Ratass Church (Peter Harbison)
- The Origin of the Pierse Family of County Kerry (John H. Pierse)
- Sir Richard Cox’ s Description of Kerry, 1687 (Pádraig de Brún)
- Lord Orrery's Travels in Kerry, 1735 (The Knight of Glin)
- Insights into Fifty Years of Episcopal Elections (1774-1824) (Sister M. Angela Bolster)
- An Scoláire Bán (Pádraig deBrún)
- David Moriarty (1814-77): III. Politics (Rev. Kieran O’ Shea)
- Aspects of the Fenian Rising in Kerry, 1867: III Prelude to the Trials (Séan Ó Lúing)
- Primary Education in Kerry One Hundred Years Ago (Michael Quane)
- Miscellanea
Articles featured:
- The Stone Circles of County Kerry (Seán Ó Nualláin)
- William Molyneaux’s Geographical Collections for Kerry (William O’Sullivan)
- Notes on the Volunteers, Militia, Yeomanry and Fencibles of Kerry (Pádraig Ó Snodaigh)
- A Sidelight on the 1843 Affray at Ballyeagh (Pádraig de Brún)
- Daniel O’Connell, Intimidation and the Kerry Elections of 1835 (Gerard J. Lyne)
- Two Welsh Visitors to Kerry in 1852 (Pádraig ÓRiain)
- Aspects of the Fenian Rising in Kerry, 1867 II Aftermath (Seán Ó Luing)
- David Moriarty (1814-77): II. Reforming a Diocese (Rev. Kieran Ó’ Shea)
- Seachas ar Léamh agus Scriobh na Gaeilge í gCorca Dhuibhne (Tómas Ó hAilín)
- Aspects of the Fenian Rising in Kerry, 1867: 11. Aftermath
Articles featured:
- The Prehistoric Peoples of Kerry: A Programme of Investigation (Michael Herity)
- Notes on Some Kerry Souterrains (John Waddell)
- Studies in West Munster History IIa: A further Note on the Alltraighe (Donncha Ó Corráin)
- The FitzMaurices of Kerry (K.W. Nicholls)
- The Seigniory of Castleisland in the seventeenth century (Patrick O’Connor)
- A Poem on Séafraidgh Ó Donnchadha an Ghleanna (Pádraig Ó Riain)
- Samuel Molyneaux’s Tour of Kerry, 1709 (K. Theodore Hoppen and Pádraig de Brún)
- Thomas O’Shea, a Kerry Harper (Alf Mac Lochlainn)
- David Moriarty (1814-77): I. The Making of a Bishop (Rev. Kieran O’Shea)
- A Tour of John Windele's in South Kerry, 1848 (Michael Herity)
- Pádraig Feirtéar (1856-1924): A Shaol agus a Shaothar (Séan Ó Sé)
- Apects of the Fenian Rising in Kerry, 1867, I: The Rising and its Background (Seán Ó Lúing)
- The Kerry ‘Home Rule’ By-election, 1872 (Brendán Ó Cathaoir)
Articles featured:
- The Phoenix Society in Kerry, 1858-9 (Seán Ó Luing)
- Studies in West Munster History II: Alltraighe (Donncha Ó Corráin)
- An Athair Brasbie (Pádraig de Brún)
- Some Quernstones in Private Possession in Co. Kerry (Seamus Caulfield)
- Traditions of Glin and its Neighbourhood (Thomas F. Culhane)
- ‘Tuath Siosta na bhfionna-bhrú n-aolta’ (Seán Ó Suilleabháin)
- Charles O’Brien’s Agricultural Survey of Kerry, 1800 (concl.) (M.G. Moyles and Pádraig de Brún)
Articles featured:
- County Kerry’s Historical Societies (Thomas Armitage)
- Castleisland Charter School (Michael Quane)
- Beaker Pottery in Ireland (Aedeen Cremin Madden)
- Philip Ronayne, Gent. (F.M. Hilliard)
- Studies in West Munster History I: The Regnal Succession in Ciarraighe Luachra, 741-1165 (Donncha Ó Corráin)
- Some Travellers in Kerry (Seán Ó Lúing)
- Charles O'Brien’s Agricultural Survey of Kerry, 1800 (M.G. Moyles and Pádraig de Brún)