• Articles featured:
    • A Report on the Excavation of Cashel at Ballyegan, near Castleisland, Co. Kerry (Martin E. Byrne)
    • A Prehistoric Decorated Pillar Stone from Teermoyle, Co. Kerry (Michael Connolly)
    • Valentia State Slab Quarry (David Gwyn)
    • The Strange Case of Subdeacon Garlath Prendergast, OFM (1884-1911) (Ignatius Fennessy, OFM)
    • The Literature of the Blasket Islands. An Additional Bibliographical Note (Muiris MacConghail)
    • The Godfrey Papers: Abstracts of Deeds, 1860-1898 (Valerie McK. Bary and Jane Spring)
    • Thanking the Goodness and the Grace? One Woman's Story of Teaching in the National Schools in the Closing Decades of the Nineteenth Century (Susan Schreibman)
    • The use of Tower Houses and Fastnesses in the Desmond Rebellions 1565-1583 (Mary McAuliffe)
    • New Light on the Golden Lion & the Danish Silver Robbery Ballyheigue 1731 (Bryan MacMahon)
  • Articles featured:
    • The Building-history of Ratass Church (Peter Harbison)
    • The Origin of the Pierse Family of County Kerry (John H. Pierse)
    • Sir Richard Cox’ s Description of Kerry, 1687 (Pádraig de Brún)
    • Lord Orrery's Travels in Kerry, 1735 (The Knight of Glin)
    • Insights into Fifty Years of Episcopal Elections (1774-1824) (Sister M. Angela Bolster)
    • An Scoláire Bán (Pádraig deBrún)
    • David Moriarty (1814-77): III. Politics (Rev. Kieran O’ Shea)
    • Aspects of the Fenian Rising in Kerry, 1867: III Prelude to the Trials (Séan Ó Lúing)
    • Primary Education in Kerry One Hundred Years Ago (Michael Quane)
    • Miscellanea
  • Articles featured:
    • Dorchadas gan Phan - The History of Ceallúnaigh in Co. Kerry (Emer A. Dennehy)
    • Pádraig O’Keeffe: The Last Fiddle Master (Pat Feeley)
    • An Excavation of a Crematorium at Rockfield, Co. Kerry (Tracy Collins)
    • The Ferriters of Kerry (Paul MacCotter)
    • The Tralee Election of 1832 (Bob Fitzsimons)
    • Eleanor Godfrey - A Tradition of Landlord Philanthropy (John G. Knightly)
    • The Tralee Labourers Strike of 1896: An Episode in Ireland's 'New Unionism' (Paul Dillion)
    • Revolutionary Movements in Kerry 1913-23: A Social & Political Analysis (cntd.) (Kieran McNulty)
  • Articles featured:
    • The Pattern of Kilmakilloge (Gerard J. Lyne)
    •  The Godfrey Papers: Abstracts and Deeds, 1840-1848 (Valerie McK. Bary and Jane Spring)
    • The Kenmare Estates during the nineteenth century (James S. Donnelly, Jr)
    • Kerry Diocese in 1890: Bishop Coffey’s Survey (Pádraig de Brún)
  • Articles featured:
    • The Famine Journal of Lieutenant H.N. Greenwell, 1846-7 (Bryan MacMahon)
    • An Investigation of Turf-Cutting Language and Practices Associated with East Limerick / North Kerry and Scotland (John A. Phayer)
    • The Kerry Days of the Knights Hospitaller (Amb. (ret.) Francis M. O’Donnell, KM)
    • Cork Mission to Peru 1965-2015: Golden Jubilee Reflection(An Canónach Tomás Ó Luanaigh)
    • The Keys of the Kingdom: The Kerry Sentinel, its Commercial & Political rivals (Patrick Fitzgerald)
  • Articles featured:
    • Rock Art and the Kerry-Galicia Connection (Muiris O’Sullivan)
    • A Bronze Age landscape at Farranstack, Lisselton, Co. Kerry (Marion Dowd)
    • Clusach Ó Failbhe, ‘Bothar na Scairte’ and Church Island: Memories of Tsunamis in Kerry? (Alan R. Hayden)
    • Pluais Na Scríob: An Analysis of the Glanrastel Inscriptions (Anneli O'Neil)
    • An Early Medieval Horizontal Mill at Aghacurreen, Co. Kerry (Tony Bartlett)
    • The Earl of Essex’s descent into Munster (Valerie M. Bary)
    • Fr Batt O’Connor and the Killorglin Tithe War 1835 (Hugh O'Reilly)
    • Some Occupiers and Tenants of Lower Castle Street, Tralee, 1835-1955 (Mark Codd)
  • Articles featured:
    • Bronze Vessels of Kerry Provenance in the Saffron Walden Museum (C.S. Briggs & G.A. Ward)
    • An Extract from the Civil Survey (Pádraig de Brún)
    • Landlord-tenant Relations of the Shelburne Estate in Kenmare, Bonane and Tuosist, 1770-75 (Gerard J. Lyne)
    • Kildare Place Society in Kerry: I Schools & Lending Libraries, Aglish-Gunsborough (Pádraig de Brún)
    • Local Government in Dingle, Ardfert and Tralee in 1833 (Seán Ó Lúing)
    • Bishop Cornelius Egan’s Diocesan Report to Rome (Rev. Kieran O'Shea)
  • Articles featured:
    • Revolutionary Movements in Kerry from 1913 to 1923: A Social and Political Analysis (Kieran McNulty)
    • Kerry Militia Courts Martial: Proceedings of Regismental Courts Martial of the Kerry Militia 1808-1811 (Jane Spring and Valerie McK. Bary)
    • The Trant Family: KERRY ARCHEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, Vol. 11, No. 2, March 1914, 237-262 (SM)
  • Articles featured:
    • John Townsend Trench's Reports on the Lansdowne Estates in Kerry 1863-73 (Gerard J. Lyne)
    • The 1732 Religious Returns and the Evolution of Protestant Kerry (David Dickson)
    • Tralee Voters in 1835 (Pádraig de Brún)
    • William Maunsell Hennessy, Celtic Scholar, 1829-89 (Seán Ó Luing)
    • Educational Innovations in the Kerry Gaeltacht 1904-22 (Thomas A. O’Donoghue)
    • Excavations at Ferriter’ s Cove, 1985-6 (P.C. Woodman)
    • A Wedge Tomb and Other Antiquities at Drombohilly Upper (Elizabeth Twohig)
    • Excavations of the Two Long Stone Cists at Dromkeen East, Causeway (Isabel Bennett)
