The Kerry Magazine

The Kerry Magazine is an annual publication of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society. It was first published in 1989, when it was primarily intended as a newsletter to keep members abreast of activities within the Society.

This has grown over the years into a much-respected stand-alone publication, which provides a platform for both academics and non-academics to publish short articles, pertaining not only to archaeology/history but also to the wider culture and heritage of the County.

Articles submitted for consideration for publication by the editorial sub-committee of The Kerry Magazine, should be submitted by May 31 of any given year. We welcome short articles (maximum 2500 words, including endnotes) from both academics and non-academics related to any aspect of Kerry’s rich and diverse culture and heritage. Contributors are also required to submit appropriate illustrations and a brief biographical note for publication in our Contributors’ List.

For queries relating to The Kerry Magazine or for a copy of our Contributor’s Guidelines, please email

The complete index to the articles published in our magazine may be searched by entering a keyword/author’s name/title in the above search box, or downloaded here. Please note, there was no edition published in 2004.

Magazines Available to Purchase

    • A Note from Our President
    • Cartwheels, Stócachs and the Battering Ram: Forgotten Aspects of Munster’s Skellig Shrove Traditions (Shane Lehane)
    • John Kerin (1753-1823) (Sylvia Turner)
    • Canon Brosnan and Cnoc na dTobair, Cahirciveen (Maurice J. Bric)
    • Fr John J. Kennedy DSO: Republican and Imperial War Hero (Lorcán Ó Cinnéide)
    • Ballymullen Barracks, Tralee & the Soldiers who Served, Part 1 (Tommy Martin)
    • Muintir Chiarraí agus Craobh an Chéitinnigh: Kerry connections with the Keating Branch of the Gaelic League, 1901-1916 (Mary Mac Diarmada)
    • Playing Cat by the Shores of Loch Léin, Killarney (Fr Tom Looney)
    • From Kerry to Kildare Street: The Aglish Cross Inscribed Ogham Stone (Tony Bergin)
    • Engaging Young People in History and Heritage: Kerry Heritage Hunters and Kerry Young Historian Award 2023 (Claudia Köhler & Victoria McCarthy)
    • Fiana Fail in Kerry: from Anti-Treaty Insurrection to State Power. (Thomas Earls Fitzgerald)
    • A Civil War Letter by Guerilla Leader Tom Barry to his Mother (Dr Patricia O’Hare)
    • A Lost Opportunity for an End to the Civil War in Kerry (Bryan MacMahon)
    • A visit to the Palace of Westminster (J. Anthony Gaughan)
    • Murder of Batty McCarthy and Trial of his Killer William Little 1916-1917 (Young Kerry Historian of the Year -Kieran Cahill)
    • Lassinagh House (Young Kerry Historian - Junior Category: Aaron Harty)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2023
    • 2024 Events - Programme Highlights
    • Obituaries
    • Contributors’ List
    • 2023: A Year of Commemorations
    • Kerry Publications 2023
    • Annual Membership Renewal
    • Membership Application Form
    • A Note from Our President
    • Kerry Group: 50 Years Expanding Horizons (Tony Bergin)
    • Iveragh’s Repealers: the “Monster Meeting” at Kilpeacon, July 1843 (Maurice Bric)
    • The Massacre At Dún An Óir, 1580 (Conor Brosnan)
    • Remembering the Man from Kilsarkan, 360 Years on: Daniel Dominic O’Daly (1595-1662), Portugal’s Ambassador Extraordinaire (Declan M. Downey)
    • Student Week in the West (Alun Evans)
    • Memorial Plaque at Listowel Garda Station (J. Anthony Gaughan)
    • Writing Kerry’s Poor into History (Colum Kenny)
    • In Search of Dar Erca, the Saint of Valentia Island (Elva Johnston)
    • Village Change: based on my interview with the late John P. “The Tailor” Brosnan, Scartaglin, shortly before his death in 2001 (Tommy Martin)
    • Light Keeper’s Role in Historic Bird Migration Study at An Tearaght (Gay McCarron)
    • Ellen O’Connell and the Political Power of a Poem (Olivia O’Leary)
    • 1881: Tumultuous Court Cases, Agitation and Discontent in The Brosna Land War (Tom Roche)
    • The Repeal of the Act of Union 1801 Meeting in Ardfert on June 18, 1843 (Sylvia Turner)
    • Henry Shaw: A notable American Visitor to Co. Kerry in 1840 (Peter Wyse Jackson)
    • Kerry Young Historian of the Year, Senior Category My Great Grandfather Jan Danielak (1891-1944) (Mira Danielak)
    • Kerry Young Historian of the Year, Junior Category Dicksgrove – A History (Jack Blanchfield)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2022
    • Obituaries
    • Contributors’ List
    • Kerry Publications 2022
    • Membership Application Form
    • A Note from Our President
    • Lord Kenmare versus the Working Man: The Killarney Strike of 1917 (Tim Horgan)
    • The Fall of the Fitzmaurices - The Demise of Kerry’s First Family (Kay Caball)
    • Historical Sources for the study of the War of Independence in County Kerry (Tom Dillon)
    • A Chinese Kerry Interlude (J. Anthony Gaughan)
    • Ventry Protestant Church and Collegiate School (Bryan MacMahon)
    • The Book Trade in Kerry (Paul Dillon)
    • Shipwreck of the Dictator (Christopher Warner)
    • The Brosna Newspaperman who founded The Irish American Advocate: John C. O’Connor (1868-1946) (Tom Roche)
    • Tralee Imports and Exports of Food through the Port of Tralee during the Great Famine (Conor Brosnan & Kieran Murphy)
    • The Legacy of Arabella Denny and the Magdalen Asylum (Sylvia Turner)
    • Amelia Wilmot (1874-1955) Recovering a Kerrywoman’s Lost Revolutionary History (Mary McAuliffe)
    • Minutes of Killarney Dispensary and Fever Hospital 1813-1900 (Patricia O’Hare)
    • Teenage Takeover: What happens when young people are in charge of the past? (Claudia Köhler)
    • The Kerry Young Historian of the Year Award (Victoria McCarthy & Claudia Köhler)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2021
    • Obituaries
    • Contributors’ List
    • Kerry Publications October 2019 - December 2020
    • Membership Application Form
    • President’s Address (Marie O'Sullivan)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report 2018
    • Maurice Neligan: A Labour Organiser in Kerry, 1918-1920 (Dr Paul Dillon)
    • Scartaglin: Area Mapping Surveys and Surrounding Place-name Definitions (Jerry Flynn)
    • Outpost of Empire-The Dingle Royal Constabulary Barracks, 1886-1922 (Dan Graham)
    • Mapping Kerry 450 Years Ago (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • From Kerry to Laois: The Return of the Seven Septs (Dr Michael Christopher Keane)
    • The Tomb in the Lab: A Major Science Week Event Exploring Killaclohane Portal Tomb (Claudia Köhler & Jemma O’Connell)
    • Corporal Thomas Joseph Murray and the Connaught Rangers Mutiny of 1920 (Bryan MacMahon)
    • Architecture Kerry 2018 (Victoria McCarthy)
    • Life on the Tearaght 1883 - 1886 (Gay McCarron)
    • A Description of Castleisland Castle by Sir William Herbert 1590 (Robert McGuire)
    • Faction Fighters of County Kerry (Seán Moraghan)
    • Saleen Pier (Pádraig Ó Concubhair)
    • Ryan’s Daughter in Dingle – A 50th Anniversary Recollection (John O’Connor)
    • The Visit of the Prince of Wales to Killarney – April 1858 (Dr Patricia O’Hare)
    • A Well-Travelled Uniform-The Life of Captain R. E. Palmer (Jude O’Gorman)
    • Cogadh Na Saoirse i gCiarraí Thiar (Noel O Murchú)
    • The Life and Times of James Boothby Roche MP for East Kerry and Great- Grandfather to Diana, Princess of Wales (Tom Roche)
    • James Kerin (1779-1848) Surgeon (Sylvia Turner)
    • Muckross Lichen Collections in the Natural History Museum, London (Roy Vickery)
    • Obituaries
    • Tralee Medieval Society
    • Contributors’ List
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2020
    • Kerry Publications October 2018 - September 2019
    • Membership Application Form
    • Call for Participation: The Young Kerry Archaeologists’ Club
    • President's Address (Marie O'Sullivan)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2017
    • Launch of The Kerry Magazine, No. 29, 2018, Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society, Kerry Library HQ, Tuesday, November 28, 2017 (John Breen)
    • We Always Vote Redmond in This House (Dr Pat McCarthy)
    • The Rose of Tralee International Festival: Connecting the Global Irish Community since 1959 (John Drummey)
    • The Architecture and Landscape of Tralee Castle (Victoria McCarthy)
    • Siamsa Tíre – 50 Bliain ag Fás: From Fadó Fadó to Anam (Caitriona Fallon)
    • 10 Years of Tionól Mhic Easmainn (Dr Aoife Ní Chonchubhair)
    • John Francis Marshall Miles - Dingle Doctor, Magistrate and Humanitarian 1847-1912 (Dan Graham)
    • Views from the Sea: Four Little-known Images of Kerry Harbours in the 1630s (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • 1848 i gCiarraí agus in Iarthar Luimnighe (Pádraig Ó Concubhair)
    • Harry Clarke’s Windows for Diseart Chapel, Presentation Convent, Dingle (Dr Roisin Kennedy)
    • Phoenix Paradiso (John O’Connor)
    • Ancient Tomb - Youthful Imagination: Killaclohane Portal Tomb: An Innovative Approach to Heritage Education in Kerry (Claudia Köhler)
    • Christy O’Grady: Patriot, Prisoner and Professor (Jude O’Gorman)
    • 500 Years after Martin Luther: The Reformation and Its Legacy in Kerry (Venerable Simon J. Lumby)
    • Mallets and Clubs: Victorian Pastimes from the ‘Big House’ (Patricia O’Hare)
    • Anthony Trollope and Isaac Butt in Tralee Courthouse in 1849 (Bryan MacMahon)
    • The Harrington Brothers and Their Kerry Connections (Donal J. O’Sullivan)
    • ‘Women Voted Early and in Large Numbers’; Irishwomen, Activism, and the 1918 General Election (Dr Mary McAuliffe)
    • Farranfore: A Village on a Crossroads in the Centre of Kerry (Marie O’Sullivan)
    • Fr William Ferris’s History of BallymacElligott: The Book, the Bishop and the Ban (Brendan McCarthy)
    • Major Charles George Fairfield of Loyal Mount Eagle Lodge, Brosna, County Kerry (Tom Roche)
    • Royal Visit to Kerry - June 15, 2018General Data Protection Regulation Requirements
    • Obituaries
    • Contributors’ List
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2019
    • Kerry Publications September 2017 - October 2018
    • President's Address (Marie O'Sullivan)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2016
    • Scoil Naomh Eoin Báiste, Lios Póil: Tomás Ághas Remembered: Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Outreach Programme
    • Tralee 800 Conference, November 4-6, 2016 (Isabel Bennett)
    • Michael Glazier, Kerryman Extraordinare (Bryan MacMahon)
    • The Archaeology of Cosán na Naomh - The Saints' Road Pilgrim Path on the Dingle Peninsula (Isabel Bennett)
    • A Vicious Boycott, Firies, January 1886 - April 1888 (Gay McCarron)
    • Tomás Ághas Centenary 2017 (Tony Bergin)
    • Seán Ó Riada 1882-1967 Oileán Chiarraí agus Nua Eabhrac: Gaeilgeoir agus Poblachtánach (Éamonn Ó Braoin)
    • The Roman Catholic Chapel, Chapel Lane, Killarney (Connor Doolan)
    • An tAthair Máirtín Ó Mathúna Mártán Ó Mathghamhna 1879-1944 (Éamonn Ó Braoin)
    • The Anchors of the 1916 Gun-Running Ship Aud return to Tralee Bay after 100 years under the Sea - Part Two (Laurence Dunne)
    • The Palatines (Padraig Ó Conchubhair)
    • District Inspector Michael John Hunt of The Royal Irish Constabulary and Greys Lane, Dingle 1911-1915 (Dan Graham)
    • Boat building in Dingle (John O'Connor)
    • On the Road with the Kerry Junior Football Team: 1954 (Fr J. Anthony Gaughan)
    • The Gaelic Irish Chief: Past, Present & Future (Tighe & Elizabeth O’Donoghue/Ross)
    • Alexander Nimmo and the making of Knightstown on Valentia Island - A New Village in the 1830s (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • Dermot Browne’s Letters from the Western Front (Patricia O’Hare)
    • The Transplantation of the Laois Septs to Kerry and of their Descendants in Kerry over four Centuries (Dr Michael Keane)
    • Saint Moling - A Native of Brosna (Donal J. O’Sullivan)
    • The Ballyheigue Wreck, County Kerry (Dr Connie Kelliher)
    • Golden Jubilee Seminar: Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society 1967 - 2017
    • Obituaries: Chris Nolan, Fr Gearóid Ó Donnchadha, Monsignor Pádraig Ó Fiannachta
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2018
    • Contributor’s List
    • Kerry Publications October 2016-August 2017
    • President's Address (Maureen Hanafin)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2015
    • Knockaderry National School, Farranfore Remembers 1916: Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Outreach Programme
    • Letters from Tomás Ághas while Imprisoned in the United Kingdom (Tony Bergin)
    • The Blackest Days of Black ’47 in Tralee (Bryan MacMahon)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society - Early Days (Kathleen Browne)
    • Tochaltánna Bréachaí (Éamonn Ó Braoin)
    • A West Kerry Summer Diary, 1846 (Dr Marc Caball)
    • The Murder of John O’Connell Curtin: A 19th Century Tragedy at Castlefarm, Firies (Gay McCarron)
    • The Anchors of the 1916 Gun-Running Ship return to Tralee Bay after 100 years under the Sea (Laurence Dunne)
    • Casement in Kerry: A Revolutionary Journey (Helen O’Carroll)
    • The Life and Times of Captain Richard Edward Walter Burke 1893 - 1977 (Dan Graham)
    • Dingle Coastguard Station (John O’Connor)
    • Tralee 800 (John Griffin)
    • Brendan's Immrama - The Archaeological Evidence of the Irish Discovering America (Tighe & Elizabeth O’Donoghue/Ross)
    • Firies in 1916: The Story of Jim Riordan (Dr Tim Horgan)
    • Killarney’s Victorian Gardens (Patricia O'Hare)
    • Mapping Sliabh Luachra in the early-19th Century (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • The Royal Irish Constabulary Mutiny at Castleisland (Donal J. O’Sullivan)
    • Prince Geoffrey O’ Donoghue, Bard and Lord of the Glen, Killarney (Caroline Hurley)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Celebrates 50th Anniversary (Marie O’Sulliva)n
    • Early-17th Century Piracy along the South-West Coast: The Kerry Connection (Dr Connie Kelliher)
    • Opening Address at the Roger Casement Autumn Gathering, September 4, 2015 (Celine Slattery)
    • Kerry 2016 Centenary Celebrations (Kate Kennelly)
    • Slí Bhréanáinn - In the footsteps of St Brendan from Fenit to Lerrig (St Brendan Heritage Committee, Fenit)
    • Historic Tralee: Site of Holy Cross Dominican Priory-Kerry County Council (Archaeology Department and Kerry County Museum)
    • Obituaries: Chris Nolan, Fr Gearóid Ó Donnchadha (Monsignor Pádraig Ó Fiannachta)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2017
    • Contributor's List
    • Kerry Publications October 2016-August 2017
    • President's Address (Maureen Hanafin)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2014
    • Telling Time (Dr Michael Connelly)
    • A Special Curtin Scrapbook (Gay McCarron)
    • The Spaces of Irish Natural History: Maude Jane Delap, Valentia Island 1866-1953 (Dr Nessa Cronin)
    • Oisín Kelly’s Statue of Roger Casement (Bryan MacMahon)
    • Thomas F. Meagher and the Tricolour (Senator Mark Daly)
    • Dan O’Mahony 1862-1934, Poblachtánach, Moonlighter agus Sealgaire Afracánach (Éamonn Ó Braoin)
    • The Liberator’s Piper: Pádraig a' Chasúir Ó Súilleabháin (Seán Donnellly)
    • The O’Rahilly (Padraig Ó Conchubhair)
    • The Kerry Steamship - SS Derrymore and World War One (Dan Graham)
    • Fenit Lighthouse Part Two (Tommy O'Connor)
    • The Role of Women in Gaelic Society in the Middle-Ages (Grainne Henry)
    • The Indomitable Irishry (Tighe & Elizabeth O'Donoghue/Ross)
    • Fr John O’Sullivan 1807-1874 (Holy Cross 150 Group)
    • Con Keating: Personal and Political (Sarah O’Farrel)
    • Charting the Cycle Routes of County Kerry over 100 Years Ago - The Kerry Road Maps of R.J. Mecredy (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • Tenant Farmers Host Dinner for Henry Arthur Herbert of Muckross, December 27, 1849 (Patricia O’Hare)
    • The Tudor Conquest of Munster, 1565-1582Prof. Ben Kiernan (Tomás Ághas)
    • The Dublin Years (Micheál Ó Móráin)
    • Kerry Library Archives Collections: the 1916 Context (Michael Lynch)
    • The Arrest and Detention of Roger Casement in Kerry (Donal J. O’Sullivan)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Programme 2016
    • Contributor’s List
    • Kerry Publications October 2014- September 2015
    • President's Address (Maureen Hanafin)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2013
    • 25 years of Archaeological Excavations in Kerry (Isabel Bennett)
    • Captain Flora Sandes of the Serbian Army (Bryan MacMahon)
    • Jeremiah Buckley Ballymacelligott First World War Veteran (Ethel Corduff)
    • An tAthair Máirtín Ó Mathúna / Mártán Ó Mathghamhna 1879-1944 (Éamonn Ó Braoin)
    • Cumann na mBan - Remembering the Women of South Kerry (Mark Daly)
    • Recruiting the Dead an oration delivered at TraleeTown Council Commemoration Ceremony in PáircAn Phiarsaigh, Tralee, April 20, 2014 (Helen O’Carroll)
    • Anti-Recruiting in Kerry 1903-1914 (Alan Drumm)
    • Fenit Lighthouse (Tommy O'Connor)
    • In Memory of my Father, Tom Finn 1927-2006 (Clodagh Finn)
    • Early Christianity in Kerry Eastern Coptic Influence Meets Druidic Philosophy (Tighe & Elizabeth O’Donoghue/Ross)
    • Andrew Carnegie, Peg, and the Dingle Carnegie Free Library (Dan Graham)
    • 50 Years of Heritage Interpretation at Muckross (Patricia O'Hare)
    • Humphrey “Free” Murphy Kerry's foremost Soldier during the Revolutionary Period (Tim Horgan)
    • Memories of a Rural Irish Sports Meeting (Jim O’Shea)
    • The “Sunny Side” of Early 20th Century Kerry (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • Milestones in the Policing of Tralee down through the Years (Donal O’Sullivan)
    • Valerie Bary A Tribute (Dr John Knightly)
    • Castleisland Through the Ages: A Brief Overview (Marie O'Sullivan)
    • Kerry Explorer Tom Crean comes to Knockaderry National School Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Outreach Programme (Claudia Köhler & Marie O’Sullivan)
    • Storytelling in Kerry (Ray O'Sullivan)
    • Forgotten Political Displays in Cahersiveen (Gerard Leen)
    • Reminiscence of a Childhood in Farranfore in the 1930s (Dr Dick Shanahan)
    • Tralee Soldiers in the Great War 1914-1918 (Russsell McMorran)
    • Former Editors
    • Contributor’s List
    • Kerry Publications October 2013-October 2014
    • President's Address (Tómas B. Ó Lunaigh)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2012
    • The Irish Harp-Official Symbol of Ireland: Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Outreach Programme
    • Minard Castle (Tony Bergin)
    • The Eóganachts of Cashel in Kerry (Tighe & Elizabeth O’Donoghue/Ross)
    • In the Shadow of the School - Memories of Growing-up in Rural North Kerry in the 1950s (Dick Carmody)
    • Faill Móir - go - Freemantle: Na Finíní i gCiarraí 1867 (Breandán Ó Duinneacha)
    • Kenmare Remembers - The Headford Ambush, 1921 (Mark Daly)
    • Hugh O'Flaherty Memorial Society Retrace the World War II Rome Footsteps of the Monsignor October 8-12, 2012 (Jerry O'Grady)
    • The “Flying Huntsman” - A Limerick Paddle Steamer/Tugin Dingle Harbour1887 – 1892 (Dan Graham)
    • A Demolished Thatched Dwelling, from College Street, Killarney (Patricia O’Hare)
    • “The Gathering” and Kerry (John Griffin)
    • Founding of the Volunteers in Killarney 1913 (Tomás B. Ó Luanaigh)
    • Records of the “Victorian Internet” - Cable Charts showing South Kerry and the near Atlantic around 1900 (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Trip to Munich, June 8-15, 2013 (Peggy O’Shea)
    • Dennis Fenton: The Triple Olympic Champion from Baile an Chótaigh (Dr Tom Hunt)
    • Education in Kerry in 1831 (Donal J. O’Sullivan)
    • Geraldine Tralee Birth and Destruction of a Medieval Town (Claudia Kőhler)
    • East Kerry of the One Hundred Thousand Welcomes: A Diary of a Gathering Event (Marie O'Sullivan)
    • Jeremiah Purcell: A Tralee Deaf Man’s Life of Poverty and Crime (Cormac Leonard)
    • Féile na Cásca 1974-2013 Obair na Bunscoileanna Seandálaíocht agus Ealaíon “Mo Cheantar Féin” (Máire Uí Shíthigh & Isabel Bennett)
    • Napoleon, Wellington and Cantillon (Bryan McMahon)
    • Obituaries
    • Contributor’s List
    • Kerry Publications October 2012-September 2013
    • President's Address (Tómas B. Ó Lunaigh)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2011
    • Crossing The Generations - Part 2: Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Outreach Programme 2012. Fossa National School
    • Puck Fair in Cinema and Television (Sean Moraghan)
    • Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh (Ballyferriter) (Isabel Bennet)
    • A Forgotten Scholar of Irish Annals (Dónal Murphy)
    • Nunneries in Ireland in the Middle Ages: An Archaeological Overview (Tracy Collins)
    • A Glimpse of Killarney Town during the Visit of Queen Victoria, August 1861 (Michael O’Connor & Daniel McCarthy)
    • Michael Collins, Currans: A Forgotten Kerry Olympian (Dr Helena Daly & Marie O’Sullivan)
    • Writers’ Writers’ WeekTommy (Frank O’Connor)
    • Currow Remembers the Sinking of the Titanic (Con Dennehy)
    • The Usurpers of West Munster: The O'Donoghues - Legend and Legacy (Elizabeth O’Donoghue/Ross)
    • The Age of Industry in Dingle Port 1880 - 1940 (Dan Graham)
    • Father Tom Jones-Handball Player and Hero (Jude O’Gorman)
    • Three maps of Caherciveen in the early1840s (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • Fenians, Puppets and Magic Lantern Shows! A Victorian Re-Enactment at Muckross (Patricia O’Hare)
    • Lady Arabella Ward - a Vignette (Dr John Knightley)
    • James Franklin Fuller - Kerry's Great Architect of the late-19th century (Dónal J.O’Sullivan)
    • Of Monasteries, Masons and Medieval Murder – Tales from Medieval Tralee (Claudia Köhler)
    • Mairin Cregan (Jim Ryan)
    • The Earls’ of Desmond and The Tower of London (Robert McGuire)
    • Kerry Publications October 2011-September 2012
    • Cardinal Samuel Stritch of Chicago (Bryan MacMahon)
    • President's Address (Tómas B. Ó Lunaigh)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2010
    • Address by Archbishop Dermot Clifford at the Unveiling of a Plaque to Dr. Croke, in The Square, Tralee (Archbishop Dermot Clifford)
    • The Ballyheigue Affray of 1869 (Bryan McMahon)
    • Crossing The Generations: Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Outreach Programme 2012. Fossa National School
    • Charles Smith's Study of County Kerry 1756 (Seán Moraghan)
    • The Mystery of the Killmackillogue Tugs (Claire Aylett)
    • The Family in County Kerry 6,000 Years Ago (Gerard Mulligan)
    • Final Notes on the O’Connell’s of Derrynane (Valerie Bary)
    • Early-Medieval Bells and Crosiers from County Kerry (Dr Griffin Murray)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Trip to Beara, June 20-23, 2011 (Isabel Bennet)
    • Cogadh na Talún agus na ‘Moonlighters’ (Éamonn Ó Braoin)
    • Conservation Bookbinding at Muckross House (Paul Curtis)
    • The Archaeology of the Loch a' Dúin Valley (Michéal Ó Coiléain)
    • Kenmare Telegram Announces the Beginning of The 1916 Rising to the World (Mark Daly)
    • Letters from a Victorian Princess to Blanche Herbert of Muckross House (Patricia O’Hare)
    • William Larkin and the Mapping of Kerry Roads 200 Years Ago (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • The World's Best-Known Kerryman, Field Marshall Horatio Herbert Kitchener (Dónal J. O’Sullivan)
    • Molahiffe Village in By-gone Days (Helen Jenkinson)
    • November Fair Day - Sole Survivor from a once Packed Calendar in Castleisland (John Reidy)
    • Theories Regarding the Function of Ringforts and South terrains in County Kerry (Robert McGuire)
    • Kerry Publications October 2010 - October 2011
    • President's Address (Kathleen Browne)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report, 2009
    • Tralee: Historic Walk of Tralee - 1st Year Travel & Tourism Students, ITT
    • Richard Crosbie: Pioneer of Balloon Flight (Bryan MacMahon)
    • My Affair with the Tailor (Claire Aylett)
    • The Edward Roe Collection (Dr Griffin Murray & Cliodhna Ní Mhurchú)
    • Further Notes on the O’Connells of Derrynane (Valerie Bary)
    • An Lóchrann Deireannach (Donal Murphy)
    • Kerry Archaeological & Historical Society trip to Beara, 14th- 18th June, 2010 (Isabel Bennett)
    • Pilib Céad Bó – Ropaire Chiarraí (Eamonn Ó Braoin)
    • Alexander Nimmo and his Mapping in Kerry 200 years ago (Dr Arnold Horner)
    • The Challenges of Caring for an Historic House (Patricia O'Hare)
    • Reminiscence of Molahiffe Fair (Helen Jenkinson)
    • John L. Sullivan, World Boxing Champion and his connection with Abbeydorney (Donal J. O’Sullivan)
    • Roads Around Castleisland (Larry Keane)
    • Risen from the Ashes: Early Christian Brooch discovered near Ballylongford, County Kerry (Dr Griffin Murray)
    • Education at Kerry County Museum – Yes! You can touch it! (Claudia Kőhler)
    • Fionán Lynch 1889-1966 Papers at Kerry Library (Michael Lynch)
    • Scoil Lios Teilic "Incredible Edibles" - Growing Challenge
    • Scoil Lios Teilic Mackerel Fishing and the Role of Women, in South Kerry and West Cork, c.1880-1930 (Mary McGillicuddy)
    • Medieval Treasures of County Kerry: Lecture Series and Publication (Dr Griffin Murray)
    • The Castles of County Kerry Castleisland Castle: A chronological study (Robert McGuire)
    • Kerry Publications October 2009 – September 2010
    • Editorial Comment
    • Presidents Address 2009 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Hon. Secretary's Report
    • Searching for Roots in Kenmare Kerry Archaeological & Historical Society Outreach Programme 2009 (Class Cillian- Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine)
    • Some Notes on the O'Connells of Derrynane (Bary, Valerie)
    • Kerry Archaeological & Historical Society trip to Flanders, March 2009 (Bennett, Isabel & McKenna Sue)
    • Variable Rate Deposits: Beaker and Early Bronze Age finds from Tralee (Connolly, Dr Michael)
    • Lartigue Monorail Restoration Project (Deenihan, Jimmy)
    • Tales of Sheon Burns a 19th century - North Kerry - Strongman (Dalton, Ciarán)
    • The Lammas Fair Patent Killorglin - 1613 (Doyle, Tom)
    • She was lovely and Fair: The Rose of Tralee 1959-2009 (Dwyer, Dr Ryle)
    • Yann - Renard Goulet: Sculptor of the Ballyseedy Memorial (Kenny, Michael)
    • Daniel O'Daly of Kilsarkin: 1595-1662 (MacCurtain, Dr Margaret, OP)
    • Kerry County Infirmary (Fitzsimmons, Dr Bob)
    • Listowel Writers' Week at Forty (Gaughan, Fr Anthony J.)
    • The History of Castleisland Castle (McGuire, Robert)
    • Richard Cantillon of Ballyheigue: the Greatest Economist of All? (MacMahon, Bryan)
    • The Ballyvelly Races (McMorran Russell)
    • An Pota Teangacha Ceilteacha (Ó Fiannachta, Pádraig An Canónach)
    • Henry Arthur and Emily Herbert of Muckross, Killarney (O'Hare, Patricia)
    • Kerry’ tenuous connection with the foundation of the Gaelic Athletic Association (O’ Sullivan, Donal)
    • Sugar Loaf as a term in Hill-names (Tempan Paul) Waterville Cable Station (Rudd Amy)
    • The National Photographic Archive Edel Quinn Commemoration
    • Presentation Sisters Celebrate 200 years in Tralee
    • Obituary
    • Kerry Heritage Award
    • Contributors' List
    • Kerry Publications 2008/2009
    • Presidents Address 2008 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Aghadoe 850: A Collaborative Learning Journey (6th class Pupils Fossa & Lissivigeen National Schools)
    • King of Spain Honours Kerryman - Declan Downey (University College Dublin Communications Office)
    • Bard an Oileáin: Uileog Ó Ceirin (1791-1863) (Ó Braoin, Éamonn)
    • Queen Victoria in Killarney (Spillane, Dr. Milo)
    • Elise Sandes of Tralee: The friend of soldiers (MacMahon, Bryan)
    • Fáilte to a Pilgrim Visit to "The Great Church of Aghadoe" (Looney, Fr. Tom)
    • Kerry's Most Exciting Election - Hard to Keep Voters in Line in 1872 (Rice, George)
    • Improvements and the Godfrey Estate 1818-1824 (Knightly, John)
    • Kerry County Council Arts Office (Kennelly, Kate)
    • The Plaque in Listowel Garda Station (Gaughan, J. Anthony)
    • Griffith's Valuation Available Online
    • The Musical Life and Times of James Goodman (1828-1896), 19th - Century Collector of Kerry Traditional Music (Hegarty, David)
    • Rock Art in Kerry (Prendiville, Maggie)
    • Caomhnu na hOidhreachta: Spleachadh ar Fhoras Ceime sa Teatar Tuaithe (Ó Laoiré, Dr. Muiris)
    • The Lost Castle of Currans (Bary, Valerie)
    • Tarbert, Co Kerry, and the Element Tairtbeart in Place-names (Tempan, Paul)
    • The Irish Colleges in 17th – and 18th century Parish: A Brief History (Chambers, Dr. Liam)
    • The Red, The Green and The Gold, Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society trip to Manchester, May 2008 (Geary, John)
    • Plaque Unveiled in Tralee to Commemorate Mercy
    • Convent Obituary: Kit Ahern
    • Contributors' List
    • Kerry Publications 2007/2008
    • Tuarisc An Uachtaran 2007 - (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Hon. Secretary's Interim Report 2007 (Brown, Kathleen)
    • Edward Harrington and Press Freedom (Lynch, Michael)
    • William Melville - Spymaster An Exhibition at Kerry County Museum (O'Carroll, Helen)
    • Gerald Arthur Sandes: A South American Hero (McMahon, Bryan)
    • The element MÁLAINN in Place-names (Tempan, Paul)
    • The Abduction of Phillis O'Leary (Pierse, John D.)
    • General Daniel Charles O'Connell of Derrynane (Coghlan, Liam)
    • Blight Talbot-Crosbie of Ardfert Abbey, Poet and Antiquary (Dalton, Ciaran)
    • The Story of the Gallowglasses of Munster (Bary, Valerie)
    • "A Visitor to Killarney – April 1916" (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Gaughan, J. Anthony)
    • Index - KAHS Magazine 2000 - 20106
    • Tomás Ághas - Laoch na nGael 90 bliain ar Lár (Ó hEartain, Roibeard)
    • Bronze Age Metalworking has a 20th century Application (Prendiville, Maggie & Kenny, Michael)
    • Kerry County Museum Loan Boxes for Schools (Buckley, Kate)
    • All's Well That Ends Well: An Article in Memory of Tom Finn (Finn, Clodagh)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society: 40 Years A-Growing (O'Sullivan, Marie)
    • The Hon. Albinia Broderick Becomes Kerrywoman Gobnait Ní Bhruadair (Moriarty, Norma)
    • Contributors' List
    • List of Publications about Kerry or by Kerry Authors during 2007
    • Focal On Uachtaran 2006-Comoradh 1916 I gCiarrai (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Hon. Secretary’ s Interim Report 2006 (Brown, Kathleen)
    • Corcha Dhuibhne in 1916 and the First Kerry President of The Irish Republic (O'Toole, Senator Joe)
    • Bernard Connor Physician to the King of Poland (McMahon, Bryan)
    • Scotia's Glen Through the Ages (Tempan, Paul)
    • The Antiquities of Castlefarm (O'Sullivan, Marie)
    • The 1916 Diary of Mary Henrietta Godfrey (Knightly, John)
    • The Heritage Council (Cosgrave-Hanley, Una)
    • My School (O'Connor, April)
    • Naomh Breanainn an Loingseóir Dearcadh Bádóra (Ó Donnchadha, Gearoíd,)
    • A Rebel R.I.C. Constable from Kerry (O’ Sullivan, Donal J.)
    • Pre-History Milltown (Bary, Valerie & Teahan, Sheilann)
    • Kerry's Built Heritage is a Tourism Resource (Stafford, Mary Rose, Tobin, Fiona)
    • May Sunday: An Old Kerry Custom (Dalton, Ciarán)
    • Archaeology and Kerry National Road Schemes (Joubert, Sébastièn)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Tour to Madrid and Castille Leon led by Dr. Declan Downey, UC and Tarbert 12-26 March 2006 (O'Leary, Gerry & McKenna, Sue)
    • Féile Chultúir Chiarraí at Muckross Traditional Farms (O’ Hare, Patricia)
    • An Chailleach Bhéarra (Duggan, Siobhán)
    • Obituaries Fr. Kieran O'Shea Tom Finn
    • List of Contributors'
    • Kerry Publications 2006 (January - December)
    • In the Footsteps of our Kerry Saints, Cuimin Fada, Finian Cam, Mocuda (O’ Leary, Gerry)
    • President’ s Address Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society 2006 (Padraig O Concubhair)
    • Hon. Secretary’ s Report 2005 (Kathleen Browne)
    • Launch of the KAHS Publications Heritage Award 2005
    • Ballingarry Castle or Crosbie’ s Fort (McNamara, Michael)
    • The Night of the Big Wind 1839 in County Kerry (Dalton, Ciarán)
    • Tralee Courthouse Guns (McMorran, Russell)
    • Nancy na Poodles (Finn, Tom)
    • The National Museum (Sikora, Maeve)
    • Áine Ní Rathallaigh Bean Croga as Beal Atha Longphuirt Radharch ur ar Eiri Amach 1916 (Ó Concubhair Pádraig)
    • The Foze Rocks (Wyse Jackson, Patrick)
    • Michael Kennelly and The Listowel Scout Jamborette of 1948 (Gaughan, J. Anthony)
    • Killarney: Pre Historic to Modern Times (O’ Sullivan, Marie)
    • Tralee Post Office (O’ Sullivan, Donal J.)
    • Palatine Daughters (and Sons) in Kerry (Hick, Dr. Vivien)
    • Survival of the Ringfort (Connolly, Michael)
    • Roger Casement in County Kerry (Ó Concubhair, Seán Seosamh)
    • Suirbhe Aitainmneacha Chiarraí (Lankford, Eamon)
    • Kerry Publications 2005
    • Obituary: Judith Brow (1725-1835) Annagh Island
    • President’s Address Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society AGM 2005 (Kennelly, Emmet)
    • Hon. Secretary’ s Report 2004 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • The Valentia Altazamuth Stone (O’Sullivan, Donal J.)
    • Kerry Heritage Award
    • Fr. Paul Henry O’ Sullivan OP (Gaughan, J. Anthony).
    • Limistear an Roid, Bheiginis agus Oilean na Og (MacSithigh, Domhnall)
    • Obituary: Sean O Dubhda (1911-2004)
    • Medieval Tralee Uncovered. (Connolly, Michael)
    • The Handchair of Dingle
    • ‘Nios Measa na an Ruis’ (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Skellig Lists and Chalk Sunday: Two Forgotten Kerry Customs (Dalton, Ciarán)
    • Fenit Honours St. Brendan the Navigator (O Donnchadha, Gearoid)
    • Index - KAHS Magazine 2000 - 20104
    • King George's Jubilee Celebrated in Tralee in October 1809 (O’ Carroll, Gerald)
    • The National Archives of Ireland The Mount Hawk Races (McMorran, Russell)
    • Musaem Chorca Dhuibhne agus Tigh Mhucrois agus an Sceim Chreidiunaithe Phiolotach da chuid na Comhairle Oidhreachta, 2002-2004 (O’ Hare, Patricia & Bennett, Isabel)
    • The County Kerry Club (Lehane, Shane)
    • Kerry Publications 2004
    • President’ s Address at Annual General Meeting 2003 (Kennelly, Emmet)
    • Index - KAHS Magazine 2000 - 20103
    • Hon. Secretary’ s Report 2002 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Society’ s Award 2003
    • The end of a mystery-how the gold ‘box’ from Ballinclemesig was used (Cahill, Mary)
    • The Grand Tour of Ireland and Kerry’ s first Motoring Tourists of a Century Ago (O’ Sullivan, Donal J.)
    • An Pibilín: Ireland’ s National Bird (King, Frank)
    • Heritage in Kerry (Cosgrave-Hanley, Una)
    • A Close Call (Gaughan, J. Anthony)
    • Lime-kilns and Lime Burning in Kerry (Downes, Billy)
    • The Legacy of the Celtic-Goddess and The Sacred Land (McCarthy, Eunice)
    • National Archives Advisory Council visit to Kerry (Browne, Kathleen)
    • An Introduction to the Heraldry of County Kerry (Gillespie, Fergus)
    • Trip to Austria 2003 (Bennett, Isabel)
    • Tralee’ s Old Market House (McMorran, Russell)
    • The Royal Munster Fusiliers Memorial in Killarney (Leane, Michael)
    • The Irish and Labour in America (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Scoil an Bhlascaoid Mhóir, 1935 (Ó Dubhshláine, Mícheál)
    • Sir Redvers Buller in Kerry, 1886 (MacMahon, Bryan)
    • President’s Address at Annual General Meeting 2002 (Finn, Tom)
    • Hon. Secretary’ s Report 2001 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Annual Heritage Award 2002
    • Oakview Collegiate School (McMorran, Russell)
    • Cnoc an Fhómhair (Moore, Pat)
    • Policing a Kerry Fair day in the 1870’ s (O’Sullivan, Donal)
    • Nóra Ní Shúilliobháin (RIP) Some Personal Recollections (Ó Luanaigh, Donall)
    • Kerry County Library – Local Studies/Archives Department. (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Kerry County Archives – An Introduction to Holdings (Lynch, Michael G.)
    • Sandes V. Silles, 1875 (McMahon, Bryan)
    • The Derrynane Horn (Finn, Clodagh)
    • Researching your Family Tree (O’Sullivan, Marie)
    • Cosan na Naomh – Saints Road (Ó’Coileain, Tadhg)
    • A Strange Account of the last MacCarthy Mór (Bary, Valerie)
    • The Valentia Tetrapod Tracks (O’ Sullivan, Donal)
    • The Black and Tans in Ballylongford (Ó Concubhair, Padraig & Lane, Caitriona)
    • A Lake of Stories (Bushe, Paddy)
    • The Presentation Brothers in Killarney (Lane, Michael)
    • Middle-Georgain Elections in Kerry: Contending Commitments to Accountabililty and Graft (O’ Carroll, Gerald)
    • Historic Ballylongford (Finn, Tom)
    • Kerry Publications 2001
    • Contributors'
    • President’s Address at Annual General Meeting 2001 (Finn, Tom)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report 2000 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Obituary: Brian Looby (1948-2001)
    • A Moated Site in the Townland of Cliddaun (O’Hare Patricia)
    • Charles de Gaulle in Kerry (McConville, Seamus)
    • Brosna Ladies’ Land League, The Parnell Visit (Curtin, Danny)
    • The Square at Milltown (Bary, Valerie)
    • The Tralee Election of 1852 (McMorran, Russell)
    • Kerry Diamonds : Facts & Folklore (Wyse Jackson, Dr. Patrick)
    • St. Mary’s Well, Killarney, 7 Centuries of Rounds (Ó Luanaigh, Tomás B.)
    • Fr. John Crowley, Padré of the Desert (O’ Sullivan, Donal J.)
    • Tralee and its Links to the G.A.A. (Browne, Eamon)
    • Cloghane Pattern in the 1930’s (Mulcahy, Sheila)
    • Cannons at Derrynane Harbou, Co. Kerry (Burke, Edward)
    • The Herberts of Muckross (O’ Hare, Patricia)
    • A Race - Ball at Dingle in 1746 (Finn, Tom)
    • Antarctica: An Exhibition at Kerry County Museum (O'Carroll, Helen)
    • “Manifestations of Joy” - Eachtra ó chogadh na ndeachúna I gCiarraí thuaidh (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Programme 2001
    • Books on Kerry and by Kerry Authors published in 2000
    • Contributors
    • President’s Address at Annual General Meeting 2000 (Finn, Tom)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report 1999 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Arranmore House (Bary, Valerie)
    • Edward Harrington and the first G.A.A. Event in Kerry (Curtin, Danny)
    • A Tourist’s View of Killarney in 1810 (Fennessy O.F.M., Ignatius)
    • Stromboil (Finn, Tom)
    • An Equestrian Feat in Ballymullen Barracks, Tralee (McMorran, Russell)
    • Yann Renard - Goulet, Sculptor and Patriot (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig & Wren, Denise)
    • From Gallarus to the Glattjochkapelle 2000 A.D. (Ní Nuallaín, Chriss)
    • More Than a Game: A Study of the G.A.A. and its links with Politics in County Kerry 1885 – 1935 (Browne, Eamon)
    • Mary Hickson: Forgotten Kerry Historian (McMorran, Russell)
    • Note on the Re-location of Rock Art from Killelton Townland, SMR KE037-022 (Bennett, Isabel)
    • A Penal Day Chalice Recovered (O Luanaigh, Tomás B.)
    • Tragedy at the Old Weir Bridge (Leane, Michael)
    • Laying the Atlantic Cable (O’Sullivan, Donal)
    • Beidh Siochain in Gra mhar Againn le Cheile, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Dingle - 1846 (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Holden’s Annual London and Country Directory 1811 List of Books on Kerry and By Kerry Authors Published in 1998 and 1999
    • Programme 2002
    • Obituaries: Tom Barrington (1916-2000) F.X. Martin (1922-2000) Sean O Luing (1917-2000)
    • Contributors
    • 1998 A.G.M. President’s Address (O'Coileain, Tadhg)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report 1997 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Centenary of Local Government – Kerry County Council (Quirke, Michael P.)
    • Kerry’s First Elected Ladies (Curtin, Danny)
    • The “Kitcheners” of 1798 – The Kerry Militia (Ó Conchubhair, Pádraig)
    • The Levelled Hillfort in the Townland of Glanbane (O’Hare, Patricia)
    • Caragh Cottage (Bary, Valerie) Adhbhair de Sheandalaíocht agus de Bhealoideas (Ó Dubhda, Seán)
    • Horse Racing at Killarney and Waterville Long Ago (Fennessy O.F.M, Ignatius)
    • Stand and Deliver (Browne, Eamon)
    • Lord Kenmare’s Century Old Hydro Station on the Deenagh River gets a new lease of Life (O’Sullivan, Donal J.)
    • Richard Hitchcock: Discoverer of Ogham Stones (McMorran, Russell)
    • Comóradh ’98 – How Kerry celebrated the Centenary of a Revolution. (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • The Earls of Desmond (Finn, Tom)
    • The Political Management of Kerry in the 1780’s and 90’s (O’Carroll, Gerald)
    • Queen Victoria’s Record of her visit to Killarney during August 1861 (O’Sullivan, Donal J.)
    • Sixty years of Estate Management in Ardfert (McMahon, Bryan)
    • “Fire Upon the Hearth” A Celebration of Irish American Women (Browne, Kathleen)
    • List of Books on Kerry and by Kerry Authors Published in 1998
    • Contributors'
    • Roads of Kerry 1778
    • 1997 A.G.M. President’s Address (O Coileáin, Tadhg)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report 1996 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Notes on a Medieval Bronze Bell (Bary, Valerie & Teahan, Shelann)
    • O’Connell – The Liberator: His death, Funeral and Local Reaction (Lehane, Shane)
    • The Building Stones of Tralee: a walking trail (Wyse Jackson, Patrick N.)
    • Kerry in Antiquarian Sea Charts (Pierse, J. D.)
    • The Dingle Fish Trawling Controversy 1849-1862 (Graham, Dan)
    • The Fate of John B. Kearney: District Inspector of the R.I.C. and Superintendent of the Civic Guard (O’Sullivan, Donal)
    • Praise for William Talbot Crosbie of Ardfert (McMahon, Bryan)
    • Molahiff House (Bary, Valerie)
    • Zouche: an Elizabethan in Kerry (Finn, Tom)
    • John Dominic Nagle: Dingle Antiquary (McMorran, Russell)
    • Logainmeacha atá le faghail í bParóiste an tSraidbhaile i gceanntar an Leithriugh atá i mBarúntacht Corca Dhuibhne, Co. Chiarraí (Ó Dubhda, Sean)
    • Faction Fighting in Kerry Balleagh Strand, 1834 (Browne, Eamon)
    • Big Drummer to the Emperor of Morocco Arthur O'Leary (1834 – 1919) (Fitzsimons, Dr Bob)
    • Tralee's First Composer (Fitzsimmons, Bob)
    • "Not so Much about the Cabbage Garden!" Kerry and the Year of Revolution- 1848 (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Michael J. Quill Memorial Centre, Killgarvan (Kelliher, Mary)
    • List of Books on Kerry and by Kerry Authors 1996
    • President's Address (Ahearn, Kit)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report 1994 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • The Tithe Applotment Books as a County Kerry Genealogical Source (O'Connor, Thomas)
    • A Come-Uppance for Billy the Leveller (McMahon, Bryan)
    • List of Publications on Kerry and by Kerry Authors 1994
    • Patrick Ganly (1809 – 1899) and the discovery of evidence of way-up in rocks on the Dingle Peninsula. (Wyse Jackson, Patrick N.)
    • A Stone Alignment at Knockrower West (O'Hare, Patricia)
    • Richard Blennerhassett – Ships Doctor (O'Carroll, Helen)
    • Dunloe Castle 1812, More on Daniel of Dunloe (Mahony, Dan)
    • Michael Doheny and James Stephens in Kerry (McMorran, Russell)
    • The Pre-famine Fishing Industry on the Dingle Peninsula (Graham, Dan)
    • The Church Education Society, Ballylongford and the Famine (Ó’Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • Some Memories of Kerry Railways in the Days of Steam (Davies, Michael)
    • Memories of the Fit-Ups (Houlihan, Patrick)
    • Flesk Cottage (Bary, Valerie)
    • North Kerry Placename (Ua Ciarrbhaic, Tomás)
    • 1995 Field Outings (O’Leary, Gerry)
    • Killarney Genealogical Centre (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Ross Castle Official Opening 1993
    • Bronze Tribute to Maurice Walsh (McOwan, Rennie)
    • Dun an Óir – Fortress of the Gold. How did it get its name? (Finn, Tom)
    • President’s address to 1993 A.G.M.(Ahearn, Kit)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report 1993 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • The Last Oak Forest of Corcaguiney (Monahan, Ray)
    • A Unique Carved Stone from Aghadoe (Kissane, Dr. Michael A.)
    • ‘Is Fada an Luan Í, A Chuain’ (Ó Cathasaigh, Roibeard)
    • Ionad an Bhlascaoid Mhóir-The Great Blasket Centre (de Mórdha, Michéal)
    • Index - KAHS Magazine 1989 - 2010
    • Inish Tiaracht Lighthouse Blasket Islands Co. Kerry (1870-1988) (Graham, Dan)
    • Daniel of Dunloe (Mahony, Dan) Placenames in Tralee (Ó Riordáin, Micheál)
    • List of Publications on Kerry and by Kerry Authors 1993 Museum Chorca Dhuibhne (Bennett, Isabel)
    • Roads in North Kerry (Ó Concubhair, Pádraig)
    • The Jeanie Johnston 1847 – 58: Famine Ship to be reborn (O’Carroll, Helen)
    • The Sale of the Crosbie Estate at Ballyheigue 1906—7 (McMahon, Bryan)
    • Griffith’s Valuation A Genealogical Source for County Kerry (O’Connor, Thomas)
    • Alexander Nimmo in Kerry (McMorran, Russell)
    • Gortnaglough House (Bary, Valerie)
    • Heritage Awareness (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Téarmaí a bhain le tómhaiseanna i bhfeirmeireacht an Leith-Triúgh i mBarúntacht Chorcha Dhuibhne (Ó Dubhda, Seán)
    • A Hanafin Flies High and Low(McMahon, Gerard)
    • Eachtra Dearmadta I mBéal Atha Longphuirt (MacFhearghusa, Pádraig)
    • The Last Voyage and Tragic Wreck of the Port Yarrock (Mulcahy, Sheila)
    • Journal of Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Contents 1968-1990
    • President’s Address to 1992 AGM (O'Leary, Gerry)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report for the Year 1992 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • "Dingle Train" - Steams Again (McConville, Seamus)
    • Rev. Fr. Kieran O’Shea (Kathleen Browne)
    • Gobnait Ní Bhruadair (1861-1955) (Ó Loingsigh, Pádraig)
    • Flesk Castle (Bary, Valerie)
    • Joan Harmon and the Fitzmaurice Succession. (McKenna, Canon Jack)
    • St. Senach’s Island (McMorran, Russell)
    • Sean O'Connor Gentleman, Artist and Antiquarain (Nolan, Chriss)
    • Killarney Tourist Literature of the Past (O’Connor, Thomas)
    • Archaeological Excavations in County Kerry 1985 - 1993 (Bennett, Isabel)
    • A Raid on the Inarticulate: The Poetry of Thomas McGreevy (Screibman, Susan)
    • Maurice Walsh Remembered (Nolan,Chriss)
    • Logainmneacha Paróiste an Chlochaín (Ó Dubhda, Séan)
    • The Sculpture of Jerome Connor (Ó Murhcú, Giollamuire)
    • The Tarbert Boating Tragedy of 1893(Donovan, Tom)
    • Tógra Béaloidis I mBunscoileanna Chorca Dhuibhne (Ó Cathasaigh, Roibeard)
    • Siamsa Tíre: Traces Face Us: European Congress and Festival of The Story, The Elder and The Region (Hannon, Marial)
    • Dingle Coast Guard Station (Graham, Dan)
    • Tuilleadh Logainmneacha Ó Chiarrai Theas (Nic Ghearailt Sr. Anslem)
    • The Pre-Bog Archaeology of the Loch A’Duin Valley (O'Coileain, Michael)
    • List of Publications on Kerry and by Kerry Authors 1992
    • 1992 A.G.M. President’s Address (O’Leary, Gerry)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report For the Year 1991 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Officers and Council Members Elected as 1992 Annual General Meeting
    • Sean O’Shea - A Tribute (O’Leary, Gerry)
    • The Robber’s Den in Glenflesk (McMorran, Russell)
    • The Conair (O’Dubhda, Sean)
    • National Monuments – An Endangered Species? (Bennett, Isabel)
    • The “Colony” at Dingle  Graham, Dan)
    • Surgeon General Thomas Maunsell, C.B., L.L.D., A.M.S. (McKenna, Canon John)
    • Tuilleadh Logainmneacha Fos Ó Chiarraí Theas (Nic Gearlailt, Sr. Anslem)
    • Case Studey – Oidreacht Chorca Dhuibhne (Ní Shítigh, Máire)
    • St. John’s Heritage Centre, Listowel (Relihan, Nora)
    • Kerry County Museum (Connolly, Michael)
    • Ballineegig, Gallán Mór, Dingle (Ó Coiléain, Tadgh)
    • Place Names in the Antarctic after Thomas Crean of Annascaul (Headland, R. K.)
    • The Difficulties in Coping with Parish Registers as a Genealogical Source (O’Connor, Thomas)
    • Ballintermon House (McK Bary, Valerie)
    • Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Presentation of Heritage Award (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Ballybronan Ogham Stone (O’Reilly, Ann)
    • List of Publications on Kerry and relating to County Kerry Authors 1991
    • Journal of Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society
    • Contents 1968-1989
    • 1991 A.G.M. President's Address (O’Leary, Gerry)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report for the year 1990 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Index - KAHS Magazine 1989 - 20102
    • Irish National Teachers’ Organisation Exhibition I.N.T.O. Congress, Killarney, 1991 (Chullota, Caitríona Ní)
    • The Siamsa Tíre Story In Brief (Ahern, Fr. Pat)
    • Tarbert House (McK Bary, Valerie)
    • Kerrymen in the Circus (Houlihan, Patrick)
    • Dingle Pier (Graham, Dan)
    • The Name of the Diocese (McKenna, Canon John)
    • County Library Annual History Competition for Primary Schools (Chullota, Caitríona Ní)
    • Kerry Historic Monuments Committee 1990/’91 (Creedon, Ted)
    • The Kerry Field Club visit Adare 1949 (Hilton, Morna)
    • Ballyseedy Wood (McMorran, Russell)
    • Tuilleadh Logainmneacha Ó Chiarraí Theas (Nic Gearailt, Sr. Anslem)
    • Directories as Genealogical Sources for County Kerry (O’Connor, Thomas)
    • Tralee Ship Canal and Basin (O Ruairc, Micheál)
    • Blennerville Windmill Project (Lyons, Dr. Henry)
    • Dingle Railway was Accident-Prone but Railfans loved it (McGrath, Walter)
    • Field Monuments and Planning Control (Carey, Tom)
    • New Faces in the Arts Discovering “New” Archaeological Monuments (Bennett, Isabel)
    • Hon. Secretary’s Report for the Year 1989 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • The Benet Chalice (McKenna, Canon John)
    • Derrynane Abbey (McK Bary, Valerie)
    • Kerry Historic MonumentsCommittee (Carmody Lillian)
    • The Archaeological Survey of the Dingle Peninsula (Bennett, Isabel)
    • Logainmneacha Ó Chiarraí Theas (Nic Gearailt, Sr. Anslem)
    • County Kerry Genealogical Sources (O’Connor, Thomas)
    • Rattoo Heritage Society (O’Connor, Bertie)
    • Short Note on some Standing Stones in North Kerry (Toal, Caroline)
    • An Introduction to Early Christian Ireland 400-1200 A.D. (O’Sullivan, Marie)
    • Preserving our Heritage (McMullin, Catherine)
    • Early Ecclesiastical Site at Cloon, Iveragh Peninsula (Sheehan, John)
    • The Voyage of the” Colleen Dhas” (McMorran, Russell)
    • County Kerry Sites and Monuments Record: Introduction (Stout, Geraldine)
    • The History of the INTO in Kerry (Chullota, Caitríona Ní)
    • Kerry Field Club-A Visit to Barrow 1941
    • Extract from Freeman’s Journal, 1922
    • Kerry Publications 1990
    • Introduction Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Hon. Secretary's Report for the year 1988 (Browne, Kathleen)
    • Archdeacon Rowan, founder of The Kerry Magazine (McMorran, Russell)
    • An Introduction to Prehistoric Irish Archaeology (O’Sullivan, Marie)
    • Castleisland Archaeological Survey (O’Hare, Patricia)
    • South-West Kerry Archaeological Survey(Sheehan, John)
    • Listowel Archaeological Survey (Toal, Caroline)
    • The French Revolution – The Dingle Collection (McKenna, Canon John)
    • Keel House (McK Bary, Valerie)
    • To Dingle on Foot (Tom Finn)
    • Kerry Newspapers (Costelloe, Michael)
    • Indexing of Catholic Parish Registers for the Diocese of Kerry (O’Connor, Thomas)
    • Report on recent Office of Public Works projects in County Kerry (Rourke, Grellan D.)
    • A List of Publications on Kerry and by Kerry Authors 1989
    • Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Contents (1967-1986)
    • Derrynane Abbey (McK Bary, Valerie)
    • Kerry Historic Monuments Committee (Carmody Lillian)
    • The Archaeological Survey of the Dingle Peninsula (Bennett, Isabel)
    • Logainmneacha Ó Chiarraí Theas (Nic Gearailt, Sr. Anslem)
    • County Kerry Genealogical Sources (O’Connor, Thomas)
    • Rattoo Heritage Society (O’Connor, Bertie)
    • Short Note on some Standing Stones in North Kerry (Toal, Caroline)
    • An Introduction to Early Christian Ireland 400-1200 A.D. (O’Sullivan, Marie)
    • Preserving our Heritage (McMullin, Catherine)
    • Early Ecclesiastical Site at Cloon, Iveragh Peninsula (Sheehan, John)
    • The Voyage of the "Colleen Dhas" (McMorran, Russell)
    • County Kerry Sites and Monuments Record: Introduction (Stout, Geraldine)
    • The History of the INTO in Kerry (Chullota, Caitríona Ní)
    • Kerry Field Club - A Visit to Barrow 1941
    • Extract from Freeman’s Journal, 1922
    • Kerry Publications 1990
