- 'The First Earl of Desmond as Other than 'Rebellious': A Challenge to G.O. Sayles' (Michael (M.J.) Fitzgerald)
- An Ancient Paddle From near Knocknagoshel (Griffin Murray)
- Piaras Feirtéir (Noel E. French)
- The Tralee Workhouse and the Poor Laws 1832-1850 (John F. Doyle)
- Records of St. James' Church and Graveyard, Ballyheigue (Bryan MacMahon)
Articles featured:
Articles featured:
- Regular Contributors to the Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society, 1968 to 2020 (Paul McCotter)
- Past lifeways between the Maine and the Laune: Archaeological excavations on the N70 Kilderry Bends Road Improvement Scheme (Kerri Cleary, Ed Lyne and John Olney)
- The Castle of the Island (Robert McGuire)
- Recent rock art discoveries in Kerry: An exponential rise in the known numbers of rock art panels (Aoibheann Lambe)
- Luíochán Lios Póil (Micheál Ó Moráin)
- A quintet of editors - celebrating the first 50 years of the publication of this Journal (Isabel Bennett)
Articles featured:
- Daniel O’Connell’s cultural links to the Sea: Evidence from ship iconography and writing on plaster at Derrynane (Dr Connie Kelleher)
- The ringfort of Lissaniska and the petty kingdom of Aes Coinchind within Corcu Duibne (Dr. Paul MacCotter)
- ‘We are almost on the lip of the volcano’ The Blueshirts in County Kerry, 1933-35 (Owen O’Shea)
- Corca Dhuibhne agus Feachtais Dhónaill Uí Chonaill, 1823-43 (Dr. Muiris Bric, MRIA)
- Early to Late Bronze Age fulachtaí fia at Woodview Place, Tarbert, Co. Kerry (Graham Hull and Damien McCarthy)
- Poems on the Fitzmaurices of Lixnaw (Dr Deirdre Nic Chárthaigh)
Articles featured:
- A River Runs Through It: The Archaeology of the N69 Listowel Bypass, Co. Kerry (Tony Bartlett and Ross Drummond)
- Sickness, Death and Burial in Tralee Workhouse, 1844-1847 (Bryan MacMahon)
- A Recently Identified Petroglyph Panel at Gabhlán Thoir near Lios Póil on the Dingle Peninsula (Aoibheann Lambe)
- A Blacksmith's Forge on the Turnpike Road: Excavations of the N72 Stagmount Bends Road (Tony Bartlett and Ross Drummond)
- Cill Áirne agus Oireachtas na nGael 1914-1918 (Tomás B Ó Luanaigh)
- 'This Modern Tell': John Townsend Trench (1834-1909), Kerry's Controversial Cycling Pioneer (Brian Griffin)